Where Should Kids and Pets Sit?

Where Should Kids and Pets SitAs any parent knows, kids can be a little impatient on long car trips, but too much activity in the car can be unsafe for passengers and drivers. After cell phones, the leading cause of driver distraction is other passengers.

Turning around to hand over juice, or asking kids to please keep their hands to themselves, takes focus away from the road.

The solution? Simple: zones.

The rule is nobody can cross a zone while the car is in motion. The front seat is the adult zone, obviously. The back seat is the kids zone or activity center where your children can have easy access to snacks and games from their seat belts or car seats without you having to hand them over.

Pets have their own zone, too, in a crate so that they will feel safe and secure and won’t jump over anyone else.

Staying in your zone is the key to safe passengers and safe drivers so you can enjoy quality family time on the open road.

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