As the temperatures rise and the flowers start to bloom, it is easy to notice the boom in motorcycles on the road here in Minnesota. You may think to yourself that it really looks enjoyable to take a long ride along Highway 61 on a beautiful sunny day and the blue skies reaching out past the end of the highway.
There are some great benefits with driving a motorcycle, including spending less for gas and the ease of finding great parking close to your destination, however driving a motorcycle is entirely different than driving a car. There are different skills as well as new rules and regulations. If you are considering purchasing a new bike, you need to do a little bit of homework in advance. Let us at Lindeman Insurance help you figure out if motorcycle ownership is the right decision for you.
First, are You Physically in the Right Condition?
Motorcycles are often missed by regular drivers in blind spots. As a motorcycle driver, good vision is essential. Riding also requires you to have good coordination and balance. Being aware of the other drivers around you, along with road and weather conditions are much more important to your safety. A motorcycle does not give you the same protection in an accident than an automobile does. A wrong decision in calculations of your bike or the conditions around you can mean whether or not you survive.
Secondly, are You in the right Mental Condition?
Take a look at your current driving habits. Do you talk or text on your cell phone while driving? Are you a bit aggressive towards other drivers at times? These statements may sound harsh, however if you are someone who tends to take these type of risks, than bike ownership is probably not for you. Driving a motorcycle requires extreme caution and focus at all times to be safety-minded.
Third, are You Willing to Invest in the Time and Money for Good Safely Habits?
In additional to the cost of the bike, you should be willing to spend money on other items such as a proper protective helmet and safety gear. You should learn about maintaining the motorcycle properly, and invest in a respected safety training class before venturing out on the road.
If you feel that you can commit to these points, have a good understanding of what is involved with motorcycle ownership, and still feel that it is a good fit – give us a call. We can discuss your options for motorcycle insurance as well as suggestions for safety classes and instructions.
Here are other resources for motorcycle safety:
- Motorcycle Safety Foundation:
- Safeco Insurance motorcycle page: