Homeowners Fall Maintenance Tips

Homeowners Fall Maintenance TipsHomeowners Fall Maintenance Tips: Although it is common as a homeowner to think about your home maintenance and upkeep during the spring months, fall is also critical in preparing your home for the upcoming changes in the weather – that being winter!

We all know that mother nature has her own plans, however doing some basic preparedness may prevent worse issues as the temperature drops and it is more difficult to see and identify potential issues.


To help prepare your home for the change in the seasons, here are some helpful tips:

Inside Your Home:

  • Inspect your smoke detectors: Make sure you have one in each bedroom and in the hallways outside of your bedrooms.
  • You should also check these once a month and be sure to change the batteries at least once a year.
  • Make sure you have a fire extinguisher that is charged and easy to get to.
  • Check for any loose or overloaded plugs in your electrical outlets.
  • Check your furnace filter and replace as necessary.
  • Have your furnace cleaned and inspected once a year.

Outside Your Home:

  • If you have one, have your chimney cleaned
  • Clean your gutters and downspouts – remove extra leaves, branches etc.
  • Check your water pipes and insulate any that are exposed to cold temperatures.

These helpful tips may prevent and protect your home from very costly repairs as the cold weather approaches.

If you have any additional questions or would simply like to inquire about obtaining or changing your house insurance, please give us a call at 651-739-9684.
